Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Breaking Dawn and Callie Update

1. First and most importantly I will give all of you who have so graciously prayed for Callie an update. She had the first chemo treatment and got sick. According to my sister-in-law Sherry she got sick a couple of days after and missed quite a bit of school. I hope and pray that her body will get stronger with each one being able to fight it off a little easier each go around, but I am no doctor and don't know how this all works. Her mom Sara said that Mike and I can go sit with her through a treatment so I am trying to prepare myself for that. Please continue to pray for Callie and her family. PUSH...PRAY UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENS. P.S. All four of my nieces are going to the Jonas Bros. concert in May. I am excited to go with them and buy them some cool Jo Bro's "stuff."

2. Now on to the less important but still amazing BREAKING DAWN. I will admit I have taken around 3 months to finish this book...I think because I didn't want to end my love affair with Edward and hold your breath...Jacob. I never really got into it until this week because I was only allowing myself about 10 pages a day to drag it out a while longer. I did not like all the gory? parts...drinking it out of a cup...gross. I also did not like all the talk about the V group. I just kept saying in my mind...get it over with, but then it happened. Not to spoil for anyone who has not read, but then it happened. It did happen. Yes, I'm not crazy. It did turn out good. Forever is such a wonderful word. Forever means forever and ever and ever and I love that. FOREVER is my new favorite word. Stephanie Meyer is a genius and I would love to meet her and pick her brain. Julie told me today to set the record straight that she is not going to finish midnight sun, but said she doesn't know if she can give up the characters.....which quite frankly...i cannot imagine not hearing the rest of Edward, Bella, and Jacob's story.

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